They're kinky,they're slutty..they are The Whore Bunnies.
They currently reside somewhere on the outskirts of Bangalore..more specifically Rosh's dorm-his butterpaper lined cupboard.Trashed out and sleazy the best stuff we could come up with on Rosh's birthday.
We spent the entire evening and day after dressing them up in chichi beads,glossy fabric and attaching notes containing inappropriate content on to their drastically ruined soft fur.
Then we smothered them up in some gross mascarra,outrageous eyeshadow and a hideous in your face pink lip color.
Finally we couriered them to their much awaited destination because we couldn't stand them.They hurt the eye.Those scandalous bitches.
And sadly enough this is the only memory of us I have left.
'That is so not true...' Rosh yelled on the phone the other day..
Do you remember the time when D's place was reeking of smoke and you wanted to go home not smelling of it so she brought out a hairspray instead of body deodorant with a cigg in one hand and sprayed the rest of it in front of you almost setting the house on fire?
That was big.
Yes maybe that was big.
I miss the dysfunctional trio.
I miss the eternal morose haters of the world.
I miss Rosh and D ordering the worst food ever and then having to struggle through it.
The world looked so pathetic as seen from a corner table at ccd.
I miss Rosh giggling and D being ever so loud.
Oreganos are officially 'Rosh's thing' now..
Everything about us so irritatingly satishfying.
For we are damaged,young and inconsiderate and it only gets worse from here.
So here's to friend's you don't come across everyday..
and the one's you can't stand for more than 3 hours.
And the one's you cherish forever and ever and ever.
Here's to the three of us.